Picture Taking: =============== We use a raspberry pi camera (8 megapixel) in the main capsule attached to the system controller's camera interface to take still pictures in flight. One enhancement we want to make is to increase the frequency of image capture and possibly make it variable and related to the speed of travel of the capsule. TODO: add the cron job entry as an example. SCP file transfer command: :: scp -r pi@smartbox3642.local:~/Pictures/ . Pictur taling script, called by a cron job every minute: :: #!/bin/bash DATE_TIME=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` PICTURE_NAME='/home/pi/Pictures/'$DATE_TIME'.jpg' LOG_FILE='/home/pi/raspistill_picture.log' echo 'Taking picture with raspistill, image name: '$PICTURE_NAME >> $LOG_FILE raspistill -v -o $PICTURE_NAME echo 'raspstill exit code: '$? >> $LOG_FILE